Tap Titans Wiki

Klymstra Klymstra 3 June 2015

Guide how to evolve faster

Hi there community my name is Klymstra and this is my guide of how to pass the "HARD" stages to get to the next heros.

1. From Takeda the Blade Assassin to Eistor the Banisher their is no really trick to pass that phase you juste need to go as far as you can and prestige.

2. From Eistor the Banisher to Flavius and Oinksbjorn once you reach jj money you can evolve Twitterella the Tweeter and after evolve Master Hawk, Lord of Luft, and you should reach Eistor, but you may not need it cause you have enought dammage and they dont bring a big bonus.

3. From Flavius and Oinksbjorn to Chester the Beast Tamer whm you have oo you evolve Teeny Tom, Keeper of the Castle, and you should have Chester around lvl 540 easily.

4. From Chester the Beast Tamer to…

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